- Quanta Rental rents vehicles for a specified period of time under a contract with the renter.
- The vehicle can be rented by any person who has full legal capacity to enter into civil transactions and holds a valid driver’s license corresponding to the rented vehicle category.
- The condition for renting a vehicle is to pay a deposit appropriate for the given vehicle.
- In the absence of a different agreeement, vehicles are resorved after the full rental fee has been paid.
- The following actions are prohibited:
- sticking any materials onto the Vehicle;
- using the Vehicle in races, rallies, competitions;
- using the Vehicle for driving lessons, as a taxi or for transporting people;
- using the Vehicle for jump-starting other vehicles, as well as towing other vehicles, trailers or any other items;
- making modifications or changes to the Vehicle;
- carrying out repairs on the Vehicle, except for daily maintenance tasks or those for which the Lessor gives written or email consent from the address flota@quantacars.pl;
- exceeding the permissible load capacity of the Vehicle or carrying more people than allowed by the homologarion;
- exceeding the speed limit of 170 km/h with the Vehicle;
- using the Vehicle on roads where vehicles are not permitted to travel;
- transporting materials or substances that may cause damage, destrution or contamination of the Vehicle, or that due to their properties or odour may temporarily disable the Vehicle from use or prevent its further rental;
- providing the Vehicle to a third party;
- leaving the country without the Lessor’s written or email consent from the address flota@quantacars.pl;
- driving the Vehicle under the infuence of alcohol, drugs or medications that impair the ability to drive the Vehicle;
- removing or covering the Lessor’s markings on the Vehicle without the Lessor’s written or email consent;
- If any of the above prohibitions are violated, the tenant will be charged with a contractual penalty. In the event that the contractual penalty is not sufficient to satisfy Quanta’s claims, it has the right to seek additional compensation under general rules.
- A representative of Quanta fills out the rental agreement and the vehicle acceptance – handover protocol.
- The vehicle handed over to the tenant is clean inside and outside and fully fueled. The vehicle should be returned in the same condition at the end of the rental period. In the event that the vehicle is returned dirty or not fully fueled, the tenant will be charged a contractual penalty as well as the cost of fueling the vehicle. If the contractual penalty is not sufficient to satisfy Quanta’s claims, it has the right to seek additional damages under general principles.
- The tenant is obliged to properly secure the vehicle against theft, damage and any destruction of the whole or individual elements. In particular, the tenant is obliged to lock the vehicle, windows, sunroof, trunk after leaving the vehicle, activate the alarm and also secure the keys and documents outside the vehicle.
- The lessee who damages the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol will be charged with:
- the cost of repairing the vehicle,
- compensation for Quanta for lost profits associated with the inability to rent out the vehicle during its repair,
- compensation for the increase in the insurance premium for vehicles in Quanta’s fleet, if the damage to the vehicle resulted in an increase in this premium.
- If the vehicle is returned before the end of the rental period, the lessee is not entilted to any refund.
- The return of the vehicle should take place on the day the rental ends, no later than the same hour it was picked up. In the event that the Lessee wishes to continue using the vehicle after the date or time specified in the rental agreement, the Lessee is obliged to contact the Lessor at least 24 hours before the end of the rental agreement to agree on the terms of a possible extension of the rental period, in particular the rental price, as well as the date and method of payment.
- In case the rental agreement is not extended and the vehicle is not returned at the end of the contract, the Renter will be charged for the unauthorized use of the vehicle for each commenced day at the rate specified in the rental agreement, appropriate for vehicles of the given segment.
- Regardless of the above, failure to return the vehicle for at least 24 hours from the due date will result in notifying law enforcement authorities about the misappropriation of the vehicle. All related costs will be borne by the Renter.
- In case of a vehicle breakdown,the lessee is obliged to immediately stop driving, secure the vehicle and immediately notify the lessor of any malfunctions, defects or other irregularities in the operation of the vehicle, in particular the lessee is obliged to immediately notify the lessor of the illumination of any warning lights indicating the occurrence of a malfunction, defect or other irregularity. The lessee is obliged to follow the lessor’s instructions regarding the reported malfunction, defect or other irregularity. In the event of damage to the parked vehicle caused by an unknown perpetrator. The lessee is obliged to:
- immediate notification of the Lessor from the scene of the incident to the phone number +48 539 888 555 and e-mail flota@quantacars.pl about the situation (i.e. before reporting the matter to the insurer or calling for assistance);
- to deliver within 24 hours from the incident a completed and signed statement on the circumstances of the incident to the email address flota@quantacars.pl;
- to deliver within 24 hours from the incident photos of damages along with their description to the email address flota@quantacars.pl;
- In case of colision (excluding damage to the parked vehicle caused by an unkown perpetrator), an accident, or damage to the Vehicle in other circumstances, the Lessee is obliged to :
- immediately inform the Lessor about the situation from the scene of the incident, using the phone number +48 539 888 555 and the e-mail flota@quantacars.pl (before reporting the claim to the insurer or calling for assistance);
- absolutely and immediately call the Police to the scene of the incident;
- establish the name and address of the Police unit that received the raport of the incident and whose officers performed activities at the scene of the incident, as well as the police report number;
- prepare and deliver to Quanta within 24 hours a statement on the circumstances of the incident signed by the Lessee,
- obtain and deliver to the Lessor a written statement from the perpetrator confirming their guilt and containing all data required by the insurance company insuring the Vehicle, including:
- the perpetrator’s name and surname,
- the perpetrator’s phone number,
- the registration number and make of the perpetrator’s Vehicle,
- the number of the perpetrator’s insurance policy and the name of the insurance company that issued the policy,
- the date, time and exact location of the incident,
- the name and address of the Police unit that received the report of the incident and whose officers performed activities at the scene of the incident,
- sign a statement on their sobriety at the time of the incident,
- send all of the above documents and information within 24 hours of the incident to the email address flota@quantacars.pl,
- deliver the keys and documents of the Vehicle – if they were issued – to the Lessor within 24 hours of the incident in the event of a total loss.
- In case of theft, the Renter is obliged to:
- immediately call the Lessor at +48 539 888 555 to obtain information from the Lessor on how to proceed in the situation,
- follow the instructions of the Lessor given by phone or email,
- report the theft to the Police emergency number 997 or 112,
- at the request of the Police, the Renter is obliged to hand over the key to the rented Vehicle against a receipt and immediately send a scan or clear photo of the receipt to the Lessor’s email address flota@quantacars.pl, and at the same time immediately contact the Lessor at +48 539 888 555 to arrange for the fastest possible transfer of the original receipt and Vehicle documents – if they were issued, and in the event that the keys are not retained by the Police, the Renter is obliged to immediately contact the Lessor at +48 539 888 555 to arrange for the fastest possible transfer of the keys to the Lessor’s representative along with the Vehicle documents – if they were issued,
- send a scan of a personally signed statement, and within 24 hours of the incident send a mail confirmation of the dispatch of the shipment to the Lessor’s address or deliver it personally to the Lessor’s office within 24 hours, sending a scan of the shipment confirmation to the Lessor’s email address flota@quantacars.pl.
- If the Renter is responsible for damage to the vehicle, they will be charged a deductible in the amount specified in the rental agreement, unless agreed otherwise. It is possible to waive the deductible by purchasing and paying for the Comfort Package in advance. If the rental agreement does not specify a deductible, the Renter is responsible for repairing the damage to the vehicle and paying for the vehicle downtime for each day the vehicle is out of commission due to the damage. The cost of downtime is equal to the daily rental rate for the shortest rental period.
- The Renter is liable for the full amount of any damages to the vehicle’s tires, rims, windows, upholstery, and other interior elements, as well as any other damages for which the Rental Company did not receive compensation from the insurance company or third party.
- In the event of damage to the vehicle caused by the fault of the Renter, as well as in the event of theft, the deposited deposit is forfeited due to the deductible in the incident.
- In the case of purchasing services through this website, the Seller is considered to be: Quanta Cars Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw at al. Jana Pawła II 80/15, 00-175 Warszawa, registered in the entrepreneurs’ register maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XIV Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000473412, with a share capital of 420,000 PLN, NIP number 5532513487, REGON number 243257050.
- We reserve the right not to provide vehicles to individuals from countries outside the European Union. Customers from countries that have not signed the Vienna Convention cannot rent vehicles from our company.